Shackelford offers over 20 years of experience in the area of affordable housing. This is a complex area of real estate law, and few firms can match our depth of knowledge, industry contacts and regulatory insights in successfully guiding clients through the industry’s requirements and opportunities. We have represented developers (for profit and non-profit), housing finance corporations and housing authorities across a gamut of issues that include structuring transactions, various financing vehicles, the selling and re-selling of low-income housing tax credits, tax-exempt bonds and document preparation in compliance with tax codes and regulatory rules. We take pride in the fact that our firm is able to work in an industry that offers safe, decent and affordable housing to so many communities and individuals. We have expertise in various areas of the affordable housing industry, including:
Low-income housing tax credits (including elderly and special needs)
Shackelford represents lenders and borrowers in the public financing industry to aid the development of both market rate and affordable housing projects. We have assisted clients in structuring and closing deals insured under the Unites States Housing Act and the National Housing Act, including new construction, substantial rehabilitation, refinancing and mortgage restructures. We have extensive experience with HUD and FHA rules and regulations and work closely with industry contacts to stay current on any regulatory updates to allow us to advise our clients in the most efficient and effective way possible. Shackelford has experience with various HUD/FHA transactions including loans insured under Section 221(d)(4), 223(a)(7) and 223(f). Shackelford also has extensive experience representing developers that utilize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financing and represent municipalities in the preparation and closing of Section 108 loans and HOME loans.