The FAA today published a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (“SNPRM”) titled Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers; Proposed Rule in which it proposes significant changes in the regulations governing the training of air carrier pilots, flight attendants and dispatchers. According to the FAA, “the key features of the SNPRM include:
- Enhancing training programs by requiring the use of flight simulation training devices (FSTD) for flight crewmembers;
- Addressing National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommendations regarding crewmember training;
- Realigning the recurrent training and evaluation interval to 9 months for both pilots in command (PICs) and second in command (SICs) that results in an equivalent level of training for both. SICs would now receive twice the amount of FSTD time over a 36 month training cycle as they receive today;
- Focusing on the value of training and evaluation in a complete flightcrew environment through this realignment, which would increase the likelihood that PICs and SICs who need recurrent training would train together;
- Providing a clear definition of the tasks required to train and evaluate pilots in part 121 operations during the 36-month recurrent training cycle while maintaining flexibility for the certificate holder;
- Clarifying the minimal impact on certificate holders training under an Advanced Qualification Program (AQP)”
The SNPRM significantly reorganizes and revises the qualification, training, and evaluation requirements for all crewmembers and dispatchers. More specifically, under the SNPRM flight crews would have to demonstrate critical skills in real-world training scenarios and would be required to train as a complete flight crew, using Crew Resource Management. Additional ground and flight training to teach pilots how to recognize and recover from stalls and aircraft upsets is also proposed. In the event that a pilot fails a proficiency test or check, or his or her performance during flight training or a simulator course is unsatisfactory, remedial training would be required. It also addresses air carrier training programs.
Comments regarding the SNPRM are due on or before July 19, 2011. If you would like further information regarding the SNPRM, for flightcrew member information contact James K. Sheppard, e-mail:; for flight attendant information contact Nancy Lauck Claussen, e-mail:; and for aircraft dispatcher information contact Leo D. Hollis, e-mail:; Air Transportation Division (AFS-200), Flight Standards Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-8166. For legal questions, contact Anne Bechdolt, Office of Chief Counsel (AGC-200), Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; e-mail:; telephone 202-267-3073.