In a Notice published today in the Federal Register, the FAA has extended the comment period for proposed AC 145-RSTP relating to Part 145 Repair Station Training Programs. The proposed AC was originally published on December 22, 2004 and comments were to be due today. However, the Aircraft Electronics Association and the National Air Transportation Association both felt the original 30 day comment period was too short. They requested an extension of 60 days within which to submit comments to the proposed AC.
The FAA granted their request and comments to this proposed AC are now due no later than March 22, 2005. Comments on this proposed AC should be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Daniel, Aircraft Maintenance Division, General Aviation and Repair Station Branch (AFS-340), Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20591; facsimile (202) 267-5115; e-mail
For more information you can review proposed AC 145-RSTP or you can contact Mr. Herbert E. Daniel, AFS-340, at the address, facsimile, or e-mail listed above, or by telephone at (202) 267-3109; or Mr. Dan Bachelder, AFS-340, at the address or facsimile listed above or e-mail or by telephone at (202) 267-7027.