If you are a FAR Part 91 operator and you have been renewing your FAA letters of authorization (LOAs) permitting operations in special areas of operation (SAO) airspace (e.g. RVSM, NAT MNPS and RNP-10) you will no longer need to do so once you have obtained a LOA using LOA template B046 through the FAA automated operations safety system (OPSS). The OPSS has been issuing LOA’s since February 6, 2006. This is a change from past practice where LOAs were valid for two years. If you obtained your LOA using OPSS, you will not need to renew the LOA as long as the information you provided in obtaining the LOA has not changed. If you obtained your LOA manually, pre OPSS, you will need to renew your LOA at least 30 days in advance of the expiration of your LOA using OPSS, but then you won’t have to renew unless your information changes.
You can find further information regarding issuance of LOA’s using OPSS in FAA Notice N8700.45 located on the FAA’s website here.