Yesterday the EPA published its Final Rule extending the dates by which facilities must prepare or amend SPCC Plans, and implement those Plans. According to the EPA, its action allows it “time to take final action on proposed revisions to the July 17, 2002 SPCC rule before owners and operators of facilities are required to meet requirements of that rule when preparing or amending their SPCC Plans.”
The extension will allow owners and operators to take advantage of any modifications that would be provided by a final SPCC amendment rule, would allow the regulated community the opportunity to understand the material presented in the EPA’s newly released guidance SPCC Guidance for Regional Inspectors before preparing or amending their SPCC Plans, and, finally, is necessary for facilities that might have difficulty meeting the upcoming compliance dates because they were adversely affected by the recent hurricanes.
According to the Final Rule, “a facility that was in operation on or before August 16, 2002 would have to make any necessary amendments to its SPCC Plan, and implement that Plan, on or before October 31, 2007. Likewise, a facility that came into operation after August 16, 2002 would have to prepare and implement an SPCC Plan on or before October 31, 2007. Finally, a mobile facility would have to prepare or amend and implement an SPCC Plan on or before October 31, 2007.”
If you would like more information on specific aspects of the Final Rule you may contact either Vanessa Rodriguez at (202) 564-7913, or Mark W. Howard at (202) 564-1964 (, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, 20460-0002, Mail Code 5104A.