With the ever-changing landscape of COVID’s impact on the world and the now readily available vaccinations for the virus, many pilots (and their employers) have questions. I thought I would take a moment to address a couple of the questions I have received.
What Is The FAA’s Position On Vaccines?
The FAA does not have a position on whether an airman should or should not be vaccinated. However, the FAA does take a position on what happens if an airman is vaccinated. Specifically, it is concerned about the potential side effects an airman could suffer after receiving a vaccination. As a result, the FAA’s Federal Air Surgeon has stated that FAA medical certificate holders may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member, for 48 hours after each dose a COVID vaccine.
However, an airman may do the following during the 48-hour post-vaccination period:
Provide/receive flight simulator or aviation training device instruction, including ground instruction or operational training not involving flight operations;
Perform office duty/administrative tasks;
Dead-head/jump-seat; and
Engage in distance learning.