The Shackelford firm is recognized throughout the Southwest as one of the premier law firms representing retail automobile dealers and their businesses. The firm has a long history in advising dealership owners in a wide variety of matters including the sales and acquisitions of dealerships, the purchase and development of real estate and facilities, strategic planning for growth and expansion, mergers and acquisitions, legal entity selections and formations, assistance with open point issues, tax planning, licensing and regulatory compliance and enforcement matters.
Because of the firm’s extensive knowledge of the industry and overall depth of attorneys available to assist with all types of transactions and matters, numerous single point owners and private dealership groups owning from 5 to 25 stores turn to the firm for its expertise and knowledge.
With a strong presence in Texas, one of the nation’s largest automobile markets, the firm is well positioned to provide this assistance and expertise on a nation-wide basis. Clients value the firm’s advisory capabilities and frequently turn to the firm as they plan for growth and new business opportunities. They know the firm can deploy multiple resources from across the firm to assist in planning and managing all the details of an acquisition including real estate procurement and disposition, new construction, tax issues and litigation avoidance.